
Dolphicam2 is being prepared by Brink Composite Engineering

Wednessday the 31st of July the Dolphicam 2 arrived at Inholland Composites. The Dolphicam 2 was supplied by Dacon BV in a cooperation between Inholland Composites, Dacon BV and Dolphitech. Currently, Brink Composite Engineering is preparing the DC2 for the Composites 2 practical that will be held at Inholland Composites for the aeronautical engineering students at Inholland University of Applied Sciences. The DC2 is capable of detecting defects inside composite laminates made of carbon or glas fiber.

Brink Composite Engineering was therefor tasked with the development of videos to improve the Composites2 practical. The resulting five videos can be seen via the link below.

Dolphicam2 instruction video

For more information go to the NDT inspection: Dolphicam 2 page.

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